Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's almost Christmas!!!!

I can't believe Christmas is in just a few days. Caleb's getting very excited and keeps on asking when he can open presents. I've just started to put some presents under the tree as I didn't want to tempt him too much. My sister, who came in early November, brought presents from my family, but I didn't dare put them out until just last night. I figure it is good for him to learn a little self-control though too...=) So, we'll see how it goes, but so far, so good. We'll be celebrating a day early with Jeremy's parents as they will be going to Hawaii for Christmas to be with Jeremy's grandma. So, it'll just be the 4 of us here this year. It'll be a great one and I know one that Caleb especially is going to enjoy! Anyway, here's a picture of our tree and a silly one of Caleb in front of it as well as one of him and some of his favorite youth. They are his "friends" as he refers to them. =) Our cat, Cheerio, also loves Christmas and has claimed the tree skirt as his new favorite place to nap.

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