Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 8 month birthday, Megan!!!

Today is the 8 month mark for Megan. I can't believe it's already been 8 months. She's growing up so fast, I can't believe she'll be a year old in just 4 months. Time flies.

She's doing great. She's trying to crawl, but hasn't ventured into actually doing it yet. She gets up on all 4's and then acts like she's stuck and then just sits back down. Silly girl. She's babbling a lot now and trying to say "Mama" and "Dada" It's pretty cute. Her favorite sound is "babababa" She also flaps her arms like crazy, when she's happy, when she's upset, when she's really's funny to watch.

She has 3 teeth now, 2 on the bottom and one on the top. The top one just popped through yesterday. She's proving so far to be a good teether, they don't seem to bother her much, so that's a big blessing. She's a very happy baby and very easy going. She is quite attached to me though...she'll let others hold her, for a moment, then arms go reaching back for Mommy.

Her hero is her big brother, she just watches him in amazement and laughs at him all the time. He's the only one that can almost always get her to laugh. She just loves him and it's so precious to watch them with each other. He's just as proud of her as she is of him, I hope this lasts!!!

I'm so blessed to have 2 such wonderful kids. I couldn't ask for anything more. They are so well behaved and bring Jeremy and I so much joy. I am also so blessed to have a wonderful husband. We celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary a couple weeks ago. It's hard to believe it's been that long already. But it's been wonderful and full of many adventures and fun times. God has blessed us in so many ways and I'm so thankful!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Caleb...

Caleb is 4 years old now, as of a few days ago. He was so excited, he's been talking about his birthday for the last few months. A few days before the big day, as I was putting him to bed, I told him that he only had 2 days left to be 3 years old. He looked at me and said, "And then I'll be old...!!!!!" It was the way that he said it...he was totally serious. It was so cute and hilarious all at the same time.

We had a little birthday party for him with his friends the day before his real birthday. He had so much fun as did the kids. The more attention the better.

On Sunday, his actual birthday, he opened his presents from my family in the morning as well as the big one from Jeremy and I, which was a 2 wheel bicycle. He's been asking for one for quite awhile now.

Then we went to church and then out for a birthday lunch with Grandpa and Grandma Seaward. He got to open more gifts from them, including a helmet to go with his new bike.

Then on Monday, Jeremy's day off, we went to the Bird Park, which he's been wanting to do for a long time. It's like a zoo...but just birds. It was pretty fun and Caleb had a blast as did Megan.

I can't believe it's already been 4 years since I had Caleb, time just goes so fast. He's quite the big boy now and we're so proud of him. He amazes me with some of the things that he knows and cracks me up with stuff that he says. Then there are those random but not infrequent moments when he stops whatever he's doing and looks at me and says, "Mommy, I love you!!!" or "Mommy, you're the best mommy ever!!!" He just melts my heart. Being a mommy is the best thing in the world. I love my life!!!