Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Edge: new location

The Edge, our weekly youth service, moved location just 2 weeks ago. We were located in one of our church buildings that was given to the youth ministry, but we have been growing, and it was getting too small. We started the service there almost 9 years ago with 160 youth, and now we run anywhere between 300-350 youth every week. So, we have moved out and moved on to a bigger place...and a better place as well!! As soon as I saw the hall a few weeks ago, I thought, "This hall was made for us, it's perfect!!" We are renting it on a weekly basis, but it has been a fight to get it, but we have it, because of the Lord's favor. We are so blessed. The location is amazing...it's practically right in the middle of Singapore, making it much easier for the youth to make it down on a Saturday night. Now we have room to grow, and grow we will...one of the strengths of our youth ministry here is evangelism. They love to bring their friends to services, cell groups, and activities. So, we are excited for this new physical meeting place, but we are even more excited for the new spiritual place God is taking us to as well. Please pray with us as we continue to reach this amazing yet lost generation.

One of our worship leaders leading worship...

Jeremy Seaward preaching

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The many faces of Megan

Megan is a fun loving girl with many expressions...I managed to catch some of them on camera the other day...sorry they're blury, she is fast moving...but they were still so cute, I had to blog them...thought you would enjoy...

Hope you enjoyed her expressions as much as we do!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Pictoral Tour of our 17th story apartment...

So after posting the pics from the kids rooms, it occurred to me that most of you have never seen or been to our apartment here in Singapore...so I thought I'd give you a little tour with some pictures of the rest of the house...well, our apartment. I call it a house...cause it's my house...whatever...anyway...we live on the 17th floor...yes, we are way up in the sky, it's the top floor in our building. Good thing we're not afraid of heights huh? Actually when you're in here you just get used to seeing the tops of buildings outside...

So, here it is!!! Enjoy!!!


Entryway looking into living room, dining room, office...

Living room

Living room

Balcony (off of the living room)

Office/my craftroom/kids craftroom

Other side of Office/my craftroom/kids craftroom

Dining room, hallway (office on left, kitchen door on right)

Main bathroom (off of the kitchen)


Other side of kitchen

Our Bedroom

Other side of our bedroom
So, that's our place...the layout of this blog didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it, but I couldn't figure HTML out enough to get it the way I wanted it...I think Blogger has some work to make this easier for us...or maybe I should just switch to wordpress...oh, I don't know...anyway...that's our house...I gotta get off of here before I hit something!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kid's room makeovers

Well, the kids are getting bigger...and it was time to move them both to bigger beds...Caleb out of his toddler bed and into a twin and Megan out of her crib and into the toddler bed. So we did the switch for both kids last week and as a result had to rearrange their rooms a bit and did some organizing as well...

Caleb's room got the biggest makeover with new paint on the walls, a new bed (given to us a few years ago), and new bedding (Batman!!) He's very excited about his new room and loves the area underneath where he can hang out. We're gonna put some beanbags under there so he can enjoy it more!!

Walking into his room...

Batman, I mean Caleb...on his new bed...

Other side of the room

And here is Batman himself!!!

Megan now has her freedom by being in a bed she can now get out of on her own. So no longer do we hear her screaming for us in the morning...instead it stays quiet much longer in the morning since she just gets up and starts playing...then when she's bored, she knocks on the door...so we know she wants to come out. She's loving her new bed and all of a sudden it seems like she's such a big girl. She's 20 months and it weird to think that in only 4 months she'll be 2 years old!!! Where has my baby gone??

The view walking into her room

Right side of the room

My big girl on her big girl bed

Upclose...with her Mimmy aka Minnie and baby

Well, I found a much easier way to upload pics to this blog...so I think...think...that you can expect more posts from me...just gotta make a habit of it and i'll be a blog maniac!!! =)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Caleb's learning to read...

I've started teaching Caleb at home and we're working on reading...at the moment we're using "Hooked on Phonics" and it's been really good for both of us cause it shows me exactly what to do and how and it's also easy for him to follow. There's a lot of repetition and review so that helps a lot for a learning reader...

He's doing really well and I'm so proud of him...he read his first "book" the other day and was so excited. He gets frustrated really easy cause he's quite the perfectionist, but when he figures it out, he gets all excited and says, "Ah, ha!!" It's so cute!!! I love seeing the look on his face when he figures it out. He's so proud of himself, and so am I.

So, while it's only 3 letter words he's reading, he's doing it...and that is where it all begins. Actually doing the teaching isn't my favorite thing, but seeing him succeed and figure it out on his own makes me very happy and well worth the effort...

So for now, I'm a teacher...something I never thought I would be...but sometimes that's what comes with being a mom...and I love that...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hi...after taking way too long of a break...

Hi all...I think I've resolved that I'm not a good blogger...I just can't seem to keep it regular...oh well...just bear with me please...

Here's some pictures from the last couple months...thought this is the best way to update you all on how we are doing...

She's a daddy's girl!!!

And a VERY girly, girl!!!

Caleb takes good care of Megan

They are the best of friends!

Easter egg hunt with some new American friends!!!

Pretending they were sharks!!

Making pizza for the first time!!

Happy 5th Birthday, Caleb!!

He's very please with his gift, as you can see...