Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Caleb's learning to read...

I've started teaching Caleb at home and we're working on the moment we're using "Hooked on Phonics" and it's been really good for both of us cause it shows me exactly what to do and how and it's also easy for him to follow. There's a lot of repetition and review so that helps a lot for a learning reader...

He's doing really well and I'm so proud of him...he read his first "book" the other day and was so excited. He gets frustrated really easy cause he's quite the perfectionist, but when he figures it out, he gets all excited and says, "Ah, ha!!" It's so cute!!! I love seeing the look on his face when he figures it out. He's so proud of himself, and so am I.

So, while it's only 3 letter words he's reading, he's doing it...and that is where it all begins. Actually doing the teaching isn't my favorite thing, but seeing him succeed and figure it out on his own makes me very happy and well worth the effort...

So for now, I'm a teacher...something I never thought I would be...but sometimes that's what comes with being a mom...and I love that...

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