Friday, November 27, 2009

All set and ready!!!

Well, our tree is up and we are ready for Christmas!!! It's actually been up for over a week now!!! The kids and I will be leaving here the 11th of December to head back to Seattle, so I wanted to have it up so we could actually enjoy it!!! I thought about just not putting it up this year, but that just seemed too sad, even though it seemed practical. Oh well, practical didn't win!!! =)

Caleb has his own tree in how room this year and he had fun decorating that all by himself. He is also busy making Christmas presents for our extended family. He's very excited, this is his first year making gifts and he loves it. He's so proud of his little presents and is very good at keeping surprises. He doesn't even want people to know he has a present...much less what it is. So, I guess he's a good secret keeper!!!

Megan's having fun with the tree but not getting into it as much as I thought she would. She plays with some of the ornaments near the bottom that I've put there especially for her, but she leaves pretty much everything else alone. I thought she would be more destructive, so I'm very happy. She loves to "ooo" and "ah" and "wow" at the tree and the lights.

Welcome to the Christmas season we go about doing all the busy things of the season, let's not forget the real reason for this season. In all the busyness, sometimes we can get quite distracted. Jesus came to earth to set us free from every burden and to see us live a life of fulfillment. Remember him in all you do and draw close to him. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Megan and Caleb videos...

Megan is walking!!!! She's been taking a few steps here and there for the last few weeks, but yesterday she really started to get the hang of it. She's been walking halfway across the room yesterday and today and getting real proud of herself. She's so cute while doing it!!! I got a real short video of her yesterday walking to Caleb. Hope you enjoy it!!!

And since I took a video of Megan, Caleb had to have a video too!!! He loves doing videos, it's so funny. Maybe he's going to be in film or something...haha...So here he is, 'surfing'.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm an Aunt again!!!

Well my Sister in law and brother in law just had their baby yesterday after being a week and a half late. His name is Joshua David Fredrick Seaward. He was 8 pounds 12 ounces and was born on Nov 23, 2009 at 1:27 pm. Please pray for a fast recovery for Jannica and for the new family of 3 as they adjust.

So Caleb and Megan now have another cousin and will have a 3rd cousin in a few younger sister is having a baby girl in March. Yay for cousins!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Megan!!!

November 3rd was Megan's 1 year birthday!!! I can't believe she's one year old already. We were in Bali for her birthday so we brought a few small presents there and then celebrated some more when we got back home. She had a great day and had fun with her presents as well as the ribbons that were on them. =) Maybe we should have just gotten her a whole spool of ribbon!!! These are the joys of a one year old. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. I've really enjoyed each moment of this last year, not wanting it to rush by as I know it already does, as it did with Caleb. But even though I enjoyed each stage and each moment, it still went way too fast. She's such a cutie though and her personality is really showing. She's quite the charmer and she's not afraid to let people know how she feels. =)

We spent the day at the pool and relaxing in general. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe in the evening for a good dinner and had them sing to her. It was a little interesting and I'm not sure that she enjoyed that part, but oh well, it was a memory, that's for sure. There was sort of a Balinese band going on and it was pretty loud. Anyway, we had a great time. We had cake once we got home as well as more presents. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed the whole birthday experience!!!

Birthday at Hard Rock Cafe

Birthday cake back at was a hit!!!


Well we had a great time in Bali!!! The trip started on a sad note as when we got to the hotel I looked through my bag and realized that my Iphone was gone. It fell out of my pocket on the plane and I didn't see it when I checked the seat as the cover was red, just like the seatbelts. So, it started on not such a great note, but I decided to not let it ruin my holiday and the great time I could have with my wonderful family. After all, it was just a phone...but a nice one at that. =(

Anyway, we had a wonderful time relaxing at the pool and beach. We got an early start every day as it gets light around 5:30 am there so Megan was up with the sun. Oh well. So it was early to bed and early getting up each day.

On Friday was our friend's wedding, which was very beautiful!!! Caleb was the ring bearer and he did a very good job at it, especially since we only got 2 days notice!! He had fun, knowing that he was doing a very important job!! We had a great time all together and only wished it lasted longer. Here's some pictures of our time there...