Well, I'm going to try and keep this more up to date, so as you can see, I've been doing pretty good so far...;) So I'll try to keep you all more informed of normal activities instead of the once in 2 month update...haha...
Last week on Saturday, we took a trip to the zoo. We signed up to become "Friends of the Zoo" again so now we can enjoy our membership all year long. It was the first time that Megan actually cared about the animals and seemed interested. So, I think we'll really enjoy it this coming year.
They have a water playground at the zoo as well that's amazing and the kids just love playing in it. I think we spend more time in there then we do in the entire zoo!!! What can I say though, Singapore is HOT and how better to spend a hot day outside than in the water!!!!!
Then on Monday, Jeremy's normal day off, we went to our favorite reservoir for a picnic. Caleb brought his bike so he could ride around as well and we had a great time. It's amazing how quiet it is up there...we forget what quiet is like in the busyness of Singapore. It was nice to hear nothing but 'nature sounds' and just have a fun time as a family.
Caleb and I have been working on projects the last couple days so I thought I would let you in on what we've made. I had a bunch of toilet paper rolls in the garbage and thought we could do something with them...so we made a caterpillar and a pair of binoculars!! Caleb is very happy with his creations...Here he is painting his caterpillar...
Here's the binoculars...
As you can see he's very proud of himself. He's been taking the binoculars everywhere with us...we went to the zoo the other day and he brought them. He was so cute looking through them to look at the animals!!!
I was going to add this to the blog update yesterday but forgot, so here it is. I took this yesterday of Megan pushing her little car/push toy. She'll be walking on her own soon!!! Enjoy!!!
Wow, amazing how fast this year has gone huh? I am blown away as I look back over the year, so much has happened, but it all went so fast!!!! This time last year I was VERY pregnant and wondering when Miss Megan would make her debut. Even though she was due in October, she decided to be a November baby. =) So much has changed in the last year, it's been a good year as well as a stretching year!!!
Caleb is doing well and is constantly amazing us with the things he says and what he does as well. He's very interested in letters at the moment and the sounds they make...so I'm happy about that. I know many kids already have done some reading by now, but I haven't pushed him into it as I wanna make sure he is ready for it and I figure he'll let me know when he's ready...and he's showing me a little at a time.
It's amazing how much energy a 4 year old has...and how loud his voice can get...=) There are times that Jeremy and I don't know what to do, so we just pray and do our best. Then there are those times that he says something that lets you know that he is listening...and we are comforted!! He's had a sudden interest in 'reading' his bible lately too. It's really cute, he'll sit there with his Bible, one with no pictures, and pretend to read. He's been asking us too how God speaks to us and telling us that He wants to hear God speak to him. It just touches my heart when I hear things like this. His prayers right before he goes to bed have also gotten more and more serious and hilarious at the same time. I will have to record them one of these days. Tonight he started out all calm and normal sounding and said, "Dear Jesus..." then his voice got loud and his arms started going up and down, while keeping his eyes closed (I obviously had mine open!!) and he says in a strong voice..."You created so many things...and we so totally love it!!!" hahahaha...I almost started bursting out laughing at that...but the great thing is that he's so serious!!! Then he went on about something else and near the end of his prayer he said in a very authoritative sort of voice..."We just want to know you more, God...Lord, we just want to know you more!!!!!" I was so touched by his sincerity and the way in which he prayed. When he finished I asked him where he learned to pray like that, from his Sunday school class, or from someone...He said "No, I just learned it myself!!!" Wow, I know God's smiling down on my little boy...and so am I!!!
Megan is doing so well. She'll be one year old November 3rd. I can't believe my baby is almost not a baby anymore. One year kinda is the mark for me that marks the cut off of babyhood. We are just enjoying her more and more and her little personality is really coming out. She's such a smiler and loves to 'flirt'...she puts on these shy girly looks and then looks away...playing hard to get or something. haha...Jeremy's getting a little worried
She's said a few words so far...Mama...Dada...book...bug...YAY... Her favorite ones are Mama and Yay!!! Her other thing that she loves to do is nod her head. It cracks me up, cause she knows the meaning of it, but I'm not sure where she got it from. I don't think we go around nodding our heads much, but anyway, she got it somewhere. I'll sit her in her high chair and before I can even sit down, she's looking at the food I'm about to give her and just nods her head up and down, up and down...It's seriously the cutest thing.
She's also trying to walk. She's crawling everywhere of course, started right after she turned 8 months...and she pulls herself up on EVERYTHING!!!!!! She loves to clear everything off every table and put everything in her mouth. She's into everything...very different from Caleb who didn't really care about anything but his toys. She's been holding our fingers and walking everywhere...fast...and of course along furniture and stuff. So I think it won't be much longer and she'll take those steps on her own...
She also has a heart that wants more of God and it's so sweet to watch. In church during worship, she's clapping to every song and she raises her hands as well when she sees everyone doing it. She loves to pray before we eat, I'll say a little prayer, which she amazingly sits still during and stays quiet, and then when I say AMEN...she thinks it's so funny. She gets this huge smile and just starts laughing.
Jeremy and I are doing well. Jeremy's been busy getting ready for our first ever youth conference that we are putting on at the end of the year. We are really excited about it, but there is a lot of work involved in it, especially it being our first one. We are really excited to ahve some amazing speakers coming from the states: Matthew Barnett and Doug Lasit as well as our very own Jeremy Seaward!!! Here is the website for the conference: www.edgeconference.sg
I am trying to stay on top of caring for the kids, keeping the house presentable, making amazing dinners, getting into shape, staying in contact with past and present friends, chatting online with my family, meeting up with my girl youth leaders, attending and participating in many church services and leaders meetings, trying to teach Caleb here and there, keeping Megan out of a lot of things...haha...the list goes on...but I love my life. I always wanted to be a wife and a mom and that's what I am...and I LOVE IT!!!! I wouldn't trade it for anything. I never knew how much I would love youth ministry, but I also LOVE IT!!!!!!
God has blessed us with so much...thank you for your prayers, please continue to pray for us...we need it!!!