Friday, July 9, 2010

Pictoral Tour of our 17th story apartment...

So after posting the pics from the kids rooms, it occurred to me that most of you have never seen or been to our apartment here in I thought I'd give you a little tour with some pictures of the rest of the house...well, our apartment. I call it a house...cause it's my house...whatever...anyway...we live on the 17th floor...yes, we are way up in the sky, it's the top floor in our building. Good thing we're not afraid of heights huh? Actually when you're in here you just get used to seeing the tops of buildings outside...

So, here it is!!! Enjoy!!!


Entryway looking into living room, dining room, office...

Living room

Living room

Balcony (off of the living room)

Office/my craftroom/kids craftroom

Other side of Office/my craftroom/kids craftroom

Dining room, hallway (office on left, kitchen door on right)

Main bathroom (off of the kitchen)


Other side of kitchen

Our Bedroom

Other side of our bedroom
So, that's our place...the layout of this blog didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it, but I couldn't figure HTML out enough to get it the way I wanted it...I think Blogger has some work to make this easier for us...or maybe I should just switch to wordpress...oh, I don't know...anyway...that's our house...I gotta get off of here before I hit something!!!

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