Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kid's room makeovers

Well, the kids are getting bigger...and it was time to move them both to bigger beds...Caleb out of his toddler bed and into a twin and Megan out of her crib and into the toddler bed. So we did the switch for both kids last week and as a result had to rearrange their rooms a bit and did some organizing as well...

Caleb's room got the biggest makeover with new paint on the walls, a new bed (given to us a few years ago), and new bedding (Batman!!) He's very excited about his new room and loves the area underneath where he can hang out. We're gonna put some beanbags under there so he can enjoy it more!!

Walking into his room...

Batman, I mean Caleb...on his new bed...

Other side of the room

And here is Batman himself!!!

Megan now has her freedom by being in a bed she can now get out of on her own. So no longer do we hear her screaming for us in the morning...instead it stays quiet much longer in the morning since she just gets up and starts playing...then when she's bored, she knocks on the we know she wants to come out. She's loving her new bed and all of a sudden it seems like she's such a big girl. She's 20 months and it weird to think that in only 4 months she'll be 2 years old!!! Where has my baby gone??

The view walking into her room

Right side of the room

My big girl on her big girl bed

Upclose...with her Mimmy aka Minnie and baby

Well, I found a much easier way to upload pics to this I think...think...that you can expect more posts from me...just gotta make a habit of it and i'll be a blog maniac!!! =)

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